Ads & Film

Simobil - For 15 Years


The telecommunications company Simobil, today is known as A1 Slovenija, has prepared a very subtle TV ad for its 15th anniversary. The interplay of different situations may seem a bit disturbing at the beginning, but soon reveals the real - and much more positive - background of each one. The underlined message in the spot "You are what you give" nicely rounds off and describes their core mission, which underlines their devotion and commitment to their loyal subscribers and service users.


Great things often happen beneath the surface, inside people, and are not even visible on the outside. But sometimes we find a way to show it to the whole world. So for this TV spot and with the help of computer animation, we managed to create probably one of the biggest 3D banners ever seen in a Slovenian TV ad. If it was real, it would have been a (too) big logistical challenge.

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