
Sveta Trojica church and 3D projection mapping

by AR9, March 9, 2023
1 min

TrojicaFest is a festival in Sveta Trojica that is a traditional municipal event in Slovenske gorice. It brings together activities and cultural events for all tastes and generations. This years’ highlight was undeniably the impressive projection mapping on the church façade.

Appropriately named »The enlightenment«, this dramatic 8-minute audio-visual performance concluded each of the consecutive four evenings of 2021 TrojicaFest. It was one of our biggest public projections ever, as it covered almost 1.500 m2 of space on the beautiful church front.

The audio-visual performance presented a story of the church over time, from the golden era of pilgrims to the local miracle of healing, according to the records from the monastery. Interesting content with certain abstract inserts made it an experience to remember.

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